Why name the jembatan buntu?
Expectation I first came here different than the original, why? because originally I suppose a bridge here as bridges in general, ie for access crossings and the word "BUNTU" own I guess because it is not used anymore because of something that led to the bridge is clogged hehe 😇 understand because I know from a friend who happened Batang people and without a view of the photos. In fact the bridge is deliberately made to resemble the bridge impasse that no copies should and certainly not for the crossing but to event narsis (indonesia language). Jembatan buntu at an altitude of 200meter premises sights of the natural contour of the hill that is divided by a river in the middle, taste the results of my hand drawing elementary school while still hehe ... but it's a fact in front of my eyes for the first. Waow… 😍😍

Points Narsis That Make Baper
More recently it is again booming new tourist attractions which really okay for narsis, because weve now its time social media with everything that is easily shared to create the audience for photo hunters exist hehe 😋. Moreover, Indonesia itself is rich with lush forest with views that are good in view of the eye.

With permission granted by the local forestry make the creators of the initiative to make tourist spot with modified with shrewd touches the creator is adjusted with contemporary trends. It creates a narcissist who make baper ☺️
Location, Access, & Entrance Bridge stalemate
The location, if you are from the direction of Semarang ... then follow the northern coastal road when he got in the District Subah district of Batang, left the road there Sate Subah and on the right-hand side alley entrance please go inside and shed continue until the teak forests there will be a board of directions, if still confused I suggest to ask the locals.

Access, why do I suggest to ask to the local people, because the access to get to the bridge impasse is quite difficult because of the condition of the road on I traveled in this place can only be passed by a two-wheeled vehicle and is still shaped the land, if it rains then definitely slippery and muddy.

Admission, parking fees pay enough just Rp.2.000 due to enter into the arena of these attractions are still free or can we put in the box provided by the organizer (sincerely). Why free / sincerely? Since it may be still in the stage and in the future will improvement.

see also in CERITA DOLAN Indonesian version. thanks 😇


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Continue Study IT Multimedia || Interest about traveling, hijab style, photo, interactive learning media || Be care social, specialy to be orphaned at the age of five
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