Pempek Kapal Selam on the XT Square

  Pempek Kapal Selam Yogyakarta
Pempek Kapal Selam the XT Square
Black pepper chicken yogyakarta
kremes chickenSome Indonesian food will make you addicted among pempek kapal selam, chicken black pepper, kremes chicken.
1. Pempek, one food menu is very tasty at all to be enjoyed at any time, which is why these foods are highly favored not only by the palembang alone, even very famous until another country anywhere.
2. Black pepper chicken, chicken meat cuisine dishes using a concoction of chicken seasoning of black pepper. You who want to bring a dish of plain chicken meat dishes turn out to be special, serve with a savory blend of black pepper spice chicken this.
3. kremes chicken, chicken recipes kremes To make this delicious and crunchy actually two ways. For his kremes chicken seasoning still the same, just how to fry them are somewhat different. The first is fry the chicken meat itself and make kremes and then sprinkled on top of the chicken meat. The second step is to enter seasoning kremes first and then put the chicken in order to chicken meat covered by kremes seasoning. In addition, the results kremes so perfect, his kremes dough should be fairly thin so instantly spread once inserted into the frying pan. And you know even though crowded with customers but relatively quick presentation.

De mata and De Arca

about yogyakarta foods
Located in: XT Square
Address: XT Umar Kayam Square Building, Basement Floor, Jalan Veteran, Umbulharjo, Yogyakarta, Indonesia.
Still one location to De mata and De Arca of 3D eye museum. So if there ya all culinary tour. The price can be seen in my photo, certainly relatively inexpensive.

about yogyakarta square
Fun whenever we can enjoy it withfriends, when laughed together,eat together,get together,etc
So,invite you are friends to come Yogyakarta.  
lets gooooooooo :D

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