- Short Trip (1 – 1,5 jam, Rp 300.000)
- Tlogo Putri
- Kaliurang Museum Gunung Merapi
- Kali Opak
- Dusun Petung
- Batu Alien
- Mini Museum Sisa Erupsi Merapi
- Bunker Kaliadem
Photos documentation of my journey at kali urang It could also be seen on my trip national park in Yogyakarta.
2. Medium Trip (2 – 2,5 jam, Rp 400.000)
The route is the same as the package plus the short trip down the Kali Gendol, the river being where the flow of material as well as the Merapi eruption Huntap residents who lost their homes. Later there will be a description of tour guide :D
3. Long Trip (3 – 3,5 jam, Rp 500.000)
These coupled with a medium trip to visit the tomb of Mbah Maridjan, the mass grave of the citizens, as well as the Bukit Glagahsari.
4. Paket Sunrise (Rp 500.000)
Anyone who wants to follow the sunrise package is expected to arrive at basecamp at 04.00 pm and then will be invited to enjoy the sunrise in around the slopes of Merapi . After watching the sunrise, the journey will continue to the Museum Sisa Erupsi, Batu Alien, serta Bunker Kaliadem. If you choose this package I recommend staying at the hotel around there.
For those of you who like a challenge, you can walk along the volcano area which is not covered by jeep. You can renting trail with a rental rate of 150,000/day. If I prefer to use the trail, which is definitely its drivers have to be experts.
Anyone who wants to follow the sunrise package is expected to arrive at basecamp at 04.00 pm and then will be invited to enjoy the sunrise in around the slopes of Merapi . After watching the sunrise, the journey will continue to the Museum Sisa Erupsi, Batu Alien, serta Bunker Kaliadem. If you choose this package I recommend staying at the hotel around there.
For those of you who like a challenge, you can walk along the volcano area which is not covered by jeep. You can renting trail with a rental rate of 150,000/day. If I prefer to use the trail, which is definitely its drivers have to be experts.
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